To me, he is the George Clooney of the business world. The complete name of his show on CNBC is "The Big Idea with Donny Deutsh" and you can catch it 5 times a week.
He interviews everyone, from Donald Trump to Tina Aldatz Norris, the creator of Foot Petals. She is helping high heel wearing women find comfort, thank goodness.
If you are down in the dumps or strapped for cash wondering if you should chuck your own idea and stick to the daily 9-5 grind, this is the show for you.
Some segments are:
There's got to be a better way
Start your business with under $500
The Aha moment
They said I'd never make it
Keep up the great job Donny and the hottie status :)
1 comment:
YOU have a CRUSH! I have a SUPER CRUSH! I was on his show 2 times over the summer and he is even more handsome in person - his eyes sparkle when he smiles! If you get a chance, they are now filming his show once a week with an audience - in new jersey - you should try and make it there - just go to the cnbc website and click on email donny - his staff will reply to you.
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